Join Pi Network Cryptocurrency With Pi Node Miner 'Hoot'
Say "Hi to Pi!" and start mining Pi Network cryptocurrency today with the free, energy-light mobile app

Pi Pioneer business owners... after Pi Open Mainnet, advertise your products and services here.
55+ million Pi Network Engaged Pioneers, over 165,000 fully functional community Nodes.
Today, everyone is sitting on a veritable treasure trove of untapped resources.
Each of us spend hours a day on our phones. While on our phones, each of our views, posts or clicks, creates extraordinary profits for large corporations.
Pi believes that people have the right to capture value created from their resources.
Offer from Hoot: I am looking for a website development Pi Pioneer willing to trade their services for Pi. Contact at: [email protected]
Recent events have drawn major focus onto the climate impact of cryptocurrency globally. For the sake of the planet, sustainability is important to ensure the future of decentralized finance and transactions.
How can Pi be mined on mobile phones without the energy consumption typically known in “crypto mining”?
Pi achieves this by using a different type of consensus algorithm in its blockchain. Pi’s consensus algorithm is based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and an algorithm called Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA), all of which do not require exhaustive energy consumption to reach consensus in order to secure a ledger. These types of consensus algorithms require the nodes to form quorums and exchange messages with each other based on a trust graph composed of individual quorum slices in order to come to “consensus” on what the next block should be. The heavy lifting of running the consensus algorithm based on this trust graph aggregated from mobile miners is still done by computer nodes. In fact, the Pi Mainnet already has more than 100,000 such computer nodes, placing Pi onto a good path towards creating a very decentralized Mainnet.
You can learn more by reading the Pi White Paper at: https://minepi.com
100% FREE TO
The success of the Pi network will depend on a variety of factors, including the adoption and usage of the currency by individuals and businesses, the effectiveness of the social mining consensus mechanism, and the ability of the network to compete with established cryptocurrencies.
However, the unique feature of social mining and the focus on community building and social interaction could potentially set Pi apart from other cryptocurrencies and drive its success. Additionally, the team behind Pi network, Stanford PhD’s, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis and Dr. Chengdiao Fan, both experienced individuals with strong backgrounds in technology and finance.
Pi Pioneer Business Owners!
Advertise on This Site and Potentially Reach Millions of Other Pi Network Pioneers.
Contact Hoot to discuss your needs & the availability of advertising with us
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A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee...
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Meet Hoot
KYC Verified Pi Network Node Miner.

People who seek to know more about the Pi Cryptocurrency Network, or Bitcoin for certain (which is the only hard money currency I own) tend to be thinkers and learners. Since becoming a Pi Node Miner in May of 2020, my view on cryptocurrency has evolved. I started by first purchasing a portfolio of cryptocurrencies, then consolidated all of them into Stellar (XLM) as a proxy for Pi, and then putting 100% of my invested capital in BTC. Today, I treat BTC as a savings account and am looking to use Pi like a checking account, of sorts, in order to conduct commercial transactions with other Pi Pioneer’s.
Some believe that digital currency might be a logical alternative to fiat currency; maybe even an alternative to precious metals or a means to conduct peer to peer business transactions (utility) on a global scale via the Pi Network.
It is my belief that when the ‘Pi comes out of the oven’, Pi Cryptocurrency will contain many of the good ingredients and absent any of the not so impressive components of other Cryptocurrencies.
Howdy, my name is Hoot. I am a KYC Verified Pi Network Super Node Candidate who has been running the Pi Mainnet Node blockchain since May of 2020. There are currently 45+ million engaged Pi Network Pioneers who are building a movement of people that see the wisdom of this powerful new cryptocurrency.
Pi Network was built by two Stanford Ph.D.’s to give the world a digital currency for everyday people.
Pi Network...Crypto Mining Reimagined
One of the biggest questions about cryptocurrencies is “What gives them value”? Pi’s answer is real intrinsic utility. Pi will be backed by useful online and offline applications, as well as a basket of goods and services.
With over 55 million Pi Network engaged Pioneers, Pi can now iterate various real- world applications that enable members of the community, as well as external parties, to spend Pi to benefit from the time, attention, talents, resources, and services of Pi’s global community.
Pi’s Application ecosystem will lay the foundation of a healthy market of strong utilities of Pi, creating demand for the currency and building the value of the network. Read the minepi White Paper here: https://minepi.com/white-paper
Importantly, in the case of Pi, it costs nothing to download the Pi app onto your cellphone and begin earning Pi tokens. Again, there is zero upfront financial exposure. The only investment required is one’s time invested in contributing to expanding the Pi community of Pioneers.
In addition to contributing trust and attention to the Pi Network, Pi expects Pioneers to be able to contribute their unique skills and services in the future.
Pi’s mobile application will also serve as a Point of Sales where Pi’s members can offer their untapped goods and services via a “virtual storefront” to other members of the Pi Network.
For example, a member can sell a freshly roasted bag of coffee beans to other members on the Pi Network.
In addition to real assets, members of the Pi Network will also be able to offer skills and services via their virtual storefronts.
For example, a member of the Pi Network could offer their programming or design skills on the Pi marketplace.
Over time, the value of Pi will be supported by a growing basket of goods and services.